Some say parking is a killer in the east end. I know more than a few downtown people that have ‘summer cars’ or motorcycles or other toys that they need to keep somewhere.  Many downtown men would love to have a man-cave of their own. This is that space women can send their husbands off to play with and keep their toys.
You can now OWN a solid secure 3 car garage(almost 1000 square feet) near Queen & Coxwell rather than paying to rent a garage space from someone else never knowing when they’ll oust you to take it back because they’re selling their house. There is also a smal loft area for storage of tools or spare tires, etc.
I haven’t investigated it yet but there’s a possibility that a small loft apartment could be built above the garage for living space. Since you would have the deed to this property, this is a very attractive option making the property worth much more money.
This property would carry for $670 per month including property taxes. Call me for more details… 416-806-3423.